i am waiting for the window man- he is coming to size up the moldy sliding doors in our home - they came that way - we didnt initiate the mold .
so the grey is returning.
it kinda feels ok today as i do have to wait in home for window man and then back flow man-
who is expected at ten - 11 where as window man's window of time is 8-10.
i have a pile here of petrified wood bits collected in eastern wa-
which i have fallen in love with, by the way.
the love hit when the car dipped into ellensburg- coming down a hill and entering the town the scenery made a 180 turn in another direction - mainly aerrid undulating desert hills.
it was a dramatic change and i love dramatic changes.
thrive off them in fact.
our first day there was for the petrified ginkgo forest, hit a great gem and rock shop and then followed the columbia for a bit- passing army reservation land- keep out.
it was beautiful- as the wind farms were as well that we passed in between ellensburg and vantage. maybe we have just explored so much western wa and until you see it and feel it it's hard to believe eastern wa can be so different.
a ten degree increase in temp and some crazy ass winds hair blowing galore.
i think i could fall in love with alot of nature scenery now- now sure if i have realised i can live almost anywhere and well the people are all the same really- there will always be gems and rottens in the human realm...
so that doesnt draw me anywhere - but the desire to experience different nature environments is strong so the possibility of us leaving doesnt scare me-
i wont end up in thew most miserable of holes which in my minds eye at this point in time would be somewhere i had been- buffalo, san francisco places where times asscociated with places could never be wiped away those places will always be too connected to periods of life to experience a new- not that i dont think they are lovely i just wouldnt want to do it again. delayed instant replay and gosh i dont want to be or even fathom the character i was then.
or that space i was in.
to do today-
i have a resume to sort for a job possibility!
teaching in a hot yoga setting...
me likey.
me hopey.
me wanty.
some wall painting??
spot paint touch up-
to paint more green into walls of lounge?
and bedroom? i want to paint my bedroom some where between blue indigo and violet - as the house kinda flows upwards with the fl;ow of the chakras- or the rianbow (depending on how you want to seee things)
with the idea that the head oriented chakras and covered in the upstairs-
backflow man is here -
window man came earlier - these thoughts have been terminated in the midst of the fix it mens comings.
grey tuesday.
happy to clean day.
almost 11 day.