Friday, October 26, 2007

the flying man is gone.

happy end of week everyone.
we have had a funny week.
Tuesday night Talula slept with us- because she couldn't sleep in her room without hiding under the covers- because the flying man was there. and he didn't go away despite Tim trying to chase him out. this went on for ages us finding her under covers sweaty and scared and eventually invited her into our room to take over the bed.
we asked her where he was she said "here " pointing at the same place in the ceiling.
it was kinda freaky especially as the house we live in is old for Seattle. it is about 1912 and just one of those houses that has history and bears a certain weight or spirits or some sort of resonance or memory of it's own self through out history.
anyways we both believe there are things out there that are not explained and that well have been with us both through out our lives in other places other homes..Particularly bury st edmunds!so to see yer kid who doesn't scare usually scared with eyes wide like that- having already faced loads of scary Halloween stuff...well we were a bit freaked as was she.
so the next eve after we all regrouped at home - after our days apart (talula went out with nana while i hit jennie's yoga class and had lunch with her and then picked tim up from work with a flexcar) we burned the sage smudge stick that i bought a couple months back at the Tibetan shop on greenwood ave. we filled both our house and the landladies place with smoke -
set off the alarm and drove them angerily out from the upstairs.
the one had no sympathy for talula's fear what so ever and despite them being very forward thinking and in tuned individuals they were pissed the hell off. the one was like " kids don't sleep alone, no kids sleep alone- that's what kids do try not to sleep alone" anyway talula has always slept alone - aside from when she was still premature and we all slept in one room -
but she was in her bed. and we in ours.
and well sorry but i slept alone as a kid-
and so did most people i know and most people with kids i know now, the kids sleep alone.
so there that is.
and well i know my child and i never saw her act the way she was before.
it was scary for me- us.
so anyways the sage worked on the humans and talula said flying man was gone. oddly enough later the night of the sage burning i was watching Scoop the Woody Allen movie filmed in London that is rather good despite scarlet yowankstain being in it (sorry boys i know most men love her and her bee stung lips but i cant stand her as an actress)
anyways there is a point where the dead are being transported on a boat - with Death himself with a sicle and all - and talula pointed at Death on TV said "flying man"...
well we all should Know by now that the world is a weird and wonderful place where people try to categorize the hell outta shit- and scientifically prove everything - but guess what human logic and rational does not rule the universe and the mysterious will always be there being all mysterious- so give in accept what seems unacceptable to your logic and be excited there are unexplainable phenomenon.
so yesterday erica treated us to her QC card at the highlife restaurant in Ballard.
mmm . it was so nice to hear her voice yesterday thinking she was all working and what not-
so airy, poots and myself had lunch - talula was very good with her black play dough ( thats right black play dough! for reals) and ate almost half her kids pizza.
then we did a short trip to discovery park - as i argued that seward park was the most beautiful park in the city - and erica battled for discovery park.
i still put my vote on seward park as its the lake with that big ole dramatic mt rainer sat behind it so majestic...
what is that purple mountains majesty? well it aint purple...
but it has snow on top...
anyways its amazing.
so this weekend-
crazy big ass rummage sale tmrw morning starting at 9 am.
with the fairy who may spend the night after our dinner tonight- in house.
then we are going to hit some car dealerships-
new car old...
new car-hitting the honda dealership and the toyota- the most affordable new car seems to be the toyota yaris which comes in a sedan and goes for upwards of 13,000 bucks.
so payment plans and car loans?
we dont really want that but at same time we are paying out quite a bit on flexcar a month-
it is getting cold and well we are somewhat stunted in our lifestyle without a car.
so payments to hang over our head-
or no car.

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