Monday, September 17, 2012

coffe in the morning in la Conner

 we are back - post a weekend jaunt in the Skagit.
saturday was the 100th anniversary of the northern state hospital and it was fantastic, thank you Judy for putting on something fabulous.
still hankering to see insides of buildings but Judy and her team put on a great tour of the grounds and seemed to manage it all seamlessly. today we left and photographed a few bits- hit a thrift store in Mt vernon and their fantastic food -coop- which was a savior food needed treats to get us back- lots of great locally made treats- for the gluten free traveller.
coffee and  a walk with my parents- thanks for the coffee both! not sure if i prefer Mt Vernon or La Conner more- both full of charm and beauty...Little Mountain Park highly recommended to all who wish a great view and you can drive up to two view points and then hike around or park down and hike up as lots of folks seemed to do just parking along the road.
we went top wards and meandered in the woods  post checking out both views and then had a bit of a picnic. to come.

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