18th october- we are approaching national novel writing month-
i hope my latop is up for it- i think my laptop has seen the best of it's days and now it's kinda like a cross between my mother and my daughter- and our interactions-
wooooo nelly.
not that my laptop is named nelly or even has a name-
it seems like when we started naming objects the objects started mafunctioning so i have stopped that process-
car - no name-
no name for anything that doesnt have legs-
i wonder why talula doesnt like to name things?
she has never been a namer-
its kinda cool of her as i guess she holds no power in a word even a word as a name-
she often wants to change people's names -
or tiggy's name-
and then again she is rather attached to being talula it would seem .
i dont know.
it is 720 i have had weird sleep that felt more like waking dreaming.
sleeping with socks on isnt sleep i need to figure something else out to hold my umboshi plum polstice on my heel as socks two nights and both nights ahhh wake sleep wake tweiddle thumsb wake sleep wake..
loading more pics into facebook-
doubling as a chance for me to edit things for thendaramariekida.com
whixh is my daily exercise in web making and playing and such and such-
it is my place to share with the world if the world is interested with out having the face to face interaction to either lubricate the pointlesness of it or to stand up for it- it is what it is- and anyone who knows me knows how much i hate art crittiques and the overdiscussion of what is in most cases a pile of toss.
i have never unbdertsood how people can find inspiration for anything withen that same thing- so to me studying art was mpt the thing to inspire actual art making - because it was so sanitizing once the discussion kicked in but to go outside the subject matter in question to look to say science for inspiration- i mean great artists seriously inspired by the redundancy of the stduy of art ?
same with yoga-
i find tasks as driving and gardeing where my yoga inspiration comes from not reading so and so's interpretation of the sutras-
i guess theres people who like to be told whats what and i rather leanr or become intuitively aware of what i feel is the truth- i gues i dont much trust public opinions not trust majority rules etc.
so anyhoooo...
yesterday jack the black german shepad up the alley who has gone for tiggy in the past well he went for tiggy again biting him luckily not breaking skin- tim managed to pin him down as tiggy ran back into the house scared as shit. of course this is during our dinner with friendskary and katherine who we have tried to have over for a dinner but everytime we have something shitty has come up-
so this time at least they got to our house and ate with us before the shitty turned up!
so caled animal control- lovely lady came who was already dealing with jack's case since he had attacked theo over the road about a month ago-
did him 200 dollars worth of vets bills damage and i havent seen him since-
that dog wandeers around too though so dont let you fucking dogs wander if you love em- i mean really wandering dogs either gonna get into trouble or interacted by something troublesome ...
ok must eject a cd and cant do it without quitting out of this...more to comex
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