i woke with tiggy next to me and talula in bed with me abnd it is so sweet and if this moment could last longer say through tthe entire day if i could bask in puppy talula sweet silent peace and love...
it makes me well up in tears ..
a week since lucy died- i still cant speak or writer of it without falling apart.
my dad is becomming a vegetarian -
it seems some wonton force inside him making him do it
he said to my mom he is sick of killing animals....
she is pissed!
"well if i had some clue he was gonna do this..."
sometimes it jus happens - sometimes things just stop being ok -
sometimes we can tell ourselves they are but we know and eventually some force makes us change without necessarily wanting it in any way-
for me its the booze i mean seriously just the thought of it now makes me feel like i am smelling vomit.
and people who are meant to be friends but who arent and you try to hold on you try to relate but relating is an effort well things change...
i am never sure who has changed or both have changed and changed in the way a road forks-
i have realised i have always been a bit of a loner but i guess i have also realised that i am ok with this.
its funny to watch other people who think themselves very independant and watching them flubber about socially..and meanwhile i have a family and well my family fufills so much not everything but suddenly i feel fufilled with being me in family and without but mostly feel fine being me...not to say i am happy necessarily with who i am and there isnt work to be done but gosh darn i am glad with what i have and who i am.
thats a nice place to be.