Friday, August 29, 2008

another day in paradise

the top image is taken at paradise, truely it was paradise...with its mist and end of the world looking edges and then the peak that would appear through the mist and oh god it makes me want to cry everytime i now look towards mt rainer, and i am being completly serious...
and then there was hillary clintons speach the other night that made me cry-
how many times has hillary made me cry this year ?
and last year ?
more then anyone else i bet.
the second image is a little fox made from fimo and set in his own magical garden.
and i am so proud that i fianlly can spell enthusiasm.
i spelt it yesterday and maybe i have always been able to spell it but now i know i
can spell it and it feels almost like when my dads mom helped me learn the spelling os mississippi.
that was also an acoomplishment.
today back to teaching.
excited but not so much excited about swapping down to the nine am position the follwoing week.
the sun is out for the first time in days....
of course the day i go spedn my ev in the dark greenlake studio that always seems grey.
think i way prefet quenn anne for the atmosphere the air and the windows that open ...
even if too many people like opening too many windows...
heat nazi thats right work with it people- rather then make it a part of your practice to complain about and find issue with something.
yoga is all about our reactions to experiences- and we have control of these and we have the ability to make oursleves happy or depressed -
and why has it taken so many years for me to learn to own my feelings?
and why does no one else in my life seem to take full responsability for owners ship of the shit they bring to and from the table ( i am not talking talula here) all these supposed depressives wqho would rather see something wroung with themselves then see something wroung with their reactions to things external to themselves...
craazy fucked up people.
watch your reactions and see how you set yourself up for a fall -
then stop that reaction from consuming you and well watch yerself!
preach preach preach.
blah blah blah.
mucho love and smuchos!

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