Tuesday, October 16, 2007

garbage time again

so is everyone aware that tuesday is the new monday?
yes it is. it has become the painful day of the week the day that is the let down from the weekend? maybe its a change in climate that has encouraged this maybe we should ask al gore.
dear al...
i am watching veggie cooking on tv - i ama finding life without a single cookbook rather hard-
my memorized recipes are few and i can get creative but i like a skeleton to base the kitchen creativity around ya know?

today is meant to be miserable- tmrw miserable the next day miserable... rain wise that is.
rain everywhere in washington through to weekend apprently -oh car where art thou?
although now the sun is shining in from the sun room window- the window where my desktop lives where i need to put a shade up - to limit the sun intake while i sit at desk ...
which i need to do asap- for chris and for jennie-
art for a cd cover and art show for a yoga studio.
lets get it on.
then there is the none event of looking for a decent used car ...
so all the visiting pittsburgers have left - my mom's friend Leslie and Erica's peep Alyssa.
all on their way back east ..
good bye pittsburgers.
so yoga studio art show-
plant life? macro plant life?
seems right.
nothing racey or sinister- that excludes quite a bit. ha.
now to consult the external hard drive..
good i need an image cataloging program.

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