Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tramp o claus

please watch this:
trampo claus
dont if you have ears sensitive to foulness.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


OK so alpine folklore ....santa clause has a side kick - well less side kick more sweet saccharine balancing act for a holiday that is all too sweet without much consequence.

look to wiki for Krampus
now i think in this world of balance- where we cant have peace because of the yin the yang of it all well where is that at christmas time?
i would like a little darker a holiday - of course you would...
they say.
how much more fun would it be if we added back this Krampus figure?
like halloween being all about sugar and thanksgiving all about turkey and christmas all about self indulgent greed?
i dont know .
a krampus attack on youtube

i think we need more.
i need more , bring on the Krampus I feel safe - do you?