Sunday, April 27, 2008

pics - lucy dog and pooty

this week with partial sun...

i am approaching the website issue today...
although i havent heard from mar mar in ages and hope all is well.
haven't heard from jonesey either and i hope he is ok as well.
wishing all well.
this week is granny gee's bday!!
i hope her card has reached by now?!
i am scanning negatives as it is too pricey to get them done properly.
so many hours it will be here with film scanner hoping no hairs or specks are mucking up the super duper scans.
get some canned air you dip.
teaching this week was interesting.
how many words are there were we use them but well we are saying well something we cant quantify with the words but sometimes we try with words that we wouldn't typically use...
what am i trying to say?
who knows.
tim and pooty are with jaja today at baseball game- kids get free jerseys today, i cant remember with what players name on back.
as i know so little about baseball in seattle.
the last time i paid attention to baseball was probably before proper teen years,
the buffalo bisons triple A team.
it was sad as a kid cause your players when they were good ones would go away to the major leagues and leave you with the ones who werent so hot.
it was a weird way of thinking-
like maybe it could be applied to life but then that may be nasty.
to say that theones who made it out of bflo are more - more better people.
that is not a good thing to say.
but maybe there is something to be said?
i took a benedryl today-
as my nose is sneezy as hell - and when mine isnt sneezy tim's is- we trade it off-
nly since yesterday has sneezing been a real issue.
but damn!
and bendryl suddenly it feels all exhausted and like.
i am delaying the enevitable writing here and i must at least try and figure out where i stand with these web sites....
ok ok...
more pics.
oh yeah and after two days of being hit in the face by a pillow then a toeey hand and gotten right in the nose- today when i was closing door i smashed it right into my nose.
thats right a little blood and a second i thought i broke it again...
thankfully it was just pain and no break.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hump days and more...

some varying pics from varying days.... mostly at golden gardens whihc is one of our fav parks on the puget sound. beach , playground , mts in the distance...lovely.
focus on the horizon and calm the mind....
pooty had her first stay over at erica's house last night- which may become a weekly event-
depending on fairy's new job...
today i going to hit some yoga in afternoon and then pick up the poots - and poss pick up daddy.
i think two week days of not getting tim back til nearly 7 pm has done pooty no good she seemed rather sad yesterday and did say she missed daddy. we had a lot of hateing people yesterday as well- mostly "i hate mummy"
said with a smile on her part -
i think it was all just trying out the word really.
gonna take the rocking horse into me and moms- our fav kids consignment shop-
today while i am free -
it is too small and well time to clear out a few bits as she keeps hauling in new bits- as in the kitchen.
ok no more time to waste it is short and i must use it to my advantage.
off we go into the shower and then beyond...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

what do you think.

THE BOB FISH - mr deep see fish and a bat with it's cock out.

wow wow tuesday

good morning. pooty is sat next to me - she is making pretende sandwiches with the plastic and wooden foods from her pretend kitchen.
i will take some photos later of her in action in the kitchen.
i am not sure if it has helped her food in take but her food in take in terms of trying new things has gottne much better in the past couple months. she is a big fan of a martha stewert recipe whihc is a black bean tortilla pier... mmm layered beans and cheese and the beans are cooked in beer and it is yum.
she also really liked my wheat free corn pasta bake i made yesterday.
i am trying to get the cooking going on and enjoy it - which i can if given the space and there arent any monkeys harassing me as it do.
yesterday was arts and crafts day and erica's -
i didnt get much done - as i was mostly appeasing poots.
i think airy fairy and i need a craftgs day with just us - or at least everyone is older then well three.
we are contemplating the fremont market towards the end of may.
although part of what we have been suggested to sell is rather well rmmm racey for americans.
i wont get into it now...
that makes it sound much more exciting then it is right...
so a paragraph of half thoughts.
had a friend from sf in town last weekend.
the last time we had met was in sf just after new years 2000 and since the contact has been infrequent. it was good to reconnect but kinda lonesome as well.
people seem to allow themselves to slip so easily from other's lives or mostly thoughts.
i dont know i know tim says it is the ebb and flwo of the world and you cant hold on to people blah blah blah but hell -
with all that has been bad blood between people well there arent many people i wouldn't want to see again.
a few but not many.
thats right even the assholes!
so come on down assholes- or don't .
i have an asshole limitation policy at mo and we presently ahve all positions for asshole here in our lives in seattle FILLED. got it?
will let you know if and when any oppurtunities open BUT they probably wont due to the high levels of assholes abounding.
i have been dreaming of england.
i wake up and i am sad that america is the place i am -
if i could just make a clone and have one of me here and one there.
and have the one there not such a slacker so i could afford to live.
oh well.
to days of freerangingness and me managing to make something work -
i have heard tale told here of many a yoga teacher in seattle who thinks the studio scene is well snotty.
take notes boys and girls there are many things we should do and many we shouldnt...
i wont go into them all just now -
as it makes it seem as if i know something... and i really dont.
fumble fumble.